I Tried TikTok's Finger-Painting Contour Hack | POPSUGAR Beauty

2022-06-18 06:29:45 By : Ms. Termein tdp

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Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Renee Rodriguez

A hack to contour your nose using just your fingers recently went viral on TikTok. To test it out, you only need your contour product of choice and, of course, your fingers. One editor put the makeup hack to the test and was impressed with the results.

A few weeks ago, I had my second run-in with contact dermatitis and my first run-in with steroid acne. All in all, it meant that I was out of the skin-care and makeup game for almost three weeks. Although I prefer to go makeup-free more often than not, when the three weeks were almost up, I was honestly itching to slap on some new makeup looks I had been eyeing. During the weeks when I was unable to use any of my favorite products, I spent a lot of time browsing TikTok and saving tons of makeup hacks to test out in the future.

One I was most excited to try was a finger-painting nose-contour hack from TikTok user Theresa B. In the video, she contours her nose using just a contour stick and her fingers, and the hack is quick and easy and looks amazing.

Chinese tiktok nose contour hack! #asianmakeup #asianbeauty #nosecontourhack #douyin

Normally when I do my contour, I draw it directly onto my nose using my contour product of choice. From there, I blend out everything with a damp beauty blender. If I really want to be precise, sometimes I'll use a makeup brush to draw it on. If I'm in a rush, sometimes I'll just bronze my nose all over. Either way, I've never contoured my nose using just my fingers.

Before testing out the hack, I started by applying my makeup normally to the majority of my face. I applied a tiny bit of my all-time-favorite concealer, the Lawless Conseal the Deal Concealer ($26); some blush; and a tiny bit of lip liner, and then it was time to contour my nose.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Renee Rodriguez

Instead of drawing contour directly onto my nose, I applied the product to the pads of one of my pointer fingers. In the video I had seen on TikTok, Theresa B. used the Fenty Beauty Match Stix Matte Contour Skinstick ($28), however, I opted to use the Rare Beauty Warm Wishes Bronzer Stick ($23) because I had it on hand. From there, I rubbed both of my pointer fingers together to evenly disperse the product. Next, I traced the pigment along the tip of my nose as well as the inner nostril area to make a V shape. Then, I dabbed the remainder of product underneath the beginning of each eyebrow. With my clean fingers, I then blended out everything by dragging the product down the bridge of my nose to connect the two points together.

The Rare Beauty Bronzer Stick blends extremely well, so I wasn't worried about having too much product on my face — in fact, I was a little worried about the opposite. I ended up having to apply the bronzer to the pads of my pointer fingers twice, but once I finally had enough product on my nose, I loved the end results.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Renee Rodriguez

The hack contoured my nose easily, and it was 10 times faster than any other contour trick I've tried in the past, with really impressive results. I also didn't use a single ounce of concealer or highlighter on my nose, but it still looked slimmer than ever. I love that it was quick and precise, because I find that I usually have to sacrifice one or the other when doing my makeup.

I recently went on a trip to Mexico and forgot my beauty blender, so I actually used this hack every time I did my makeup. I loved the end result, and it's a hack I plan on using even now that I'm back home.

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